How to increase your savings 10-30X in 2024 using available and safe tools, spending no more than 2 hours per day?

The Thomas Kralow Story / Reading time 10 minutes

  • How anyone can multiply their capital 10-30X within 2024, even if they know nothing about financial instruments and don't understand economics.
  • How and from what I made $758k in 2023 and my plan to earn $3-5 million in 2024.
  • My methodology of safe increase of capital and why this method is still not being used by everyone around me.

Dear reader, my name is Thomas Kralow
I have been writing this article for about 2 months, trying to make it as simple, applicable and structured as possible. So that every reader can learn a new safe method of increasing capital and be convinced that it is not a scam.
The article is large.
Take 15 minutes to grasp the greatest tool that can impact your financial health. You've got 15 minutes for stories, music, or YouTube videos, right?
So why not make the most of your time? Sit back and we'll get started.
What this article will be about:
If you are looking for a way to use your savings effectively and make your money work for you. If you want to multiply your capital in a short period of time, whether you have $1,000, $10,000 or $300,000. If you want to settle your debts, loans, save for your children's education as soon as possible and are interested in financial instruments or investments in general, which:
  • You don't need to save for your entire life to become financially free
  • You don't need to become an analyst, financier and understand world economy/politics.
  • You don't need to study tons of literature
  • There is a clear algorithm of actions to get results
  • You can combine it with your main job and family
  • There is safety and a predictable result
  • Quick results within 6-12 months

Then this article is for you, because in it I'm going to tell you:
  • What are RetroDrops and why it is the most important trend of 2024
  • How and from what people with small capital made a fortune in the last 5 years
  • How to use simple tools and actions to multiply capital 10-30 times within 6-12 months.
  • I will show my 5 cases of how I made 10X in 2023 and earned $758k
  • I will share my unique algorithm allowing any beginner, without experience, with capital anywhere from $1000 to repeat this and positive results are guaranteed
  • How to protect yourself from losses and guarantee that you reach your desired result
  • I will give step-by-step instructions on how to multiply your capital by 10-30 times.
Let me tell you right away, I am not some blogger who will tell you what you can find on the Internet in a simple search.
  • I am a trader and investor with 10 years of experience
  • I have made over 10 million dollars in my career and am living my best life
  • I have my own hedge fund with over $5 million in capital.
  • Made $758k in 2023, using this method
  • Trained over 5000 students and created my own certified University

Every word I wrote above is backed up by records.

For more than 3.5 years I have been running my YouTube channel, where I show my trades on financial markets and share my opinion. Each of you can watch the videos, hear my words and see how right or wrong I was.
I also kept an open diary of transactions on the financial markets, reporting every month. I didn't hide anything. I showed all of my successes and failures.
You can find reviews of my training, my method, and the benefits I give to people on Trustpilot. Also, there are both positive and negative reviews there. I don't hide or delete anything. Since criticism is normal, it helps me to become a better person.
You can read more about the reviews personally using the link.
Check Trustpilot.
But this article is not about trading or investing.
All 10 years that I have been trying to make money and become financially free, I have been looking for opportunities non-stop. I looked for them, found them and checked them personally. Opportunities are available everywhere. For any person. Whether you have $100 or millions. The main thing is to find them and use them to your advantage. In this I am greatly assisted by the environment I have created through my reputation, honesty and deep desire to share my experience with others.

In 2023 I found and tested a new opportunity - it multiplied my capital by 10 times. And in 2024, I plan to make 3-5 million dollars using this method with a modest calculation. Ideally 10 million dollars.
This opportunity is called RetroDrops
I know that word doesn't mean anything to you right now. You probably have no idea what it could be and what environment it takes place in. That is why this article will be large, so that we can thoroughly understand everything.

I want to warn you right away that this method of increasing capital will only work effectively until the end of 2024.
Because after that it will become too popular. And what becomes hype, immediately stops being worth your time. So I urge you to be as open to new information as possible and listen. You're not losing anything, just gaining an opportunity.
So, RetroDrops are related to crypto.

I know... I know not all of you trust crypto. I mistakenly avoided this path for 7 years. New direction, not regulated by anyone, dirty money, fraud, speculation and all that kind of stuff.
RetroDrops has nothing to do with buying Bitcoin, trading or investing. Give me a few minutes to explain.

The first thing you need to discover an opportunity is what have people made money from historically?

On new global trends that changed the course of human history: automobiles, railroads, computers, the internet, banks, and so on.
💡 That said, progress always comes through resistance.

It is difficult for people to start using something new and move with it. Therefore, everything new is perceived with great distrust. Especially in people over 35, when security and stability exceed interest in new opportunities.

There is a popular phrase: In youth we are radicals; in old age we are conservatives.
That's why people who open themselves up to the world, who are ready to absorb new information, to study and try - they will always be the first, they will always win.

I will tell you about the dot-com boom, which to some extent turned out to be a scam. Crypto also likes to be called a scam in the media. Which is alarming.
A large number of Internet companies began to appear, which attracted tens and hundreds of millions of dollars of investment. Therefore, the Internet is the future. It was not always clear what the financial model was and how the company would make money. That is why they were bubbles.

However, you can always find an effective way to invest.
Invest money in those companies that deal with Internet services: Internet service providers, cable laying, hosting and servers. Here they definitely know how to make a profit.
It's the same situation with cryptocurrencies.
We are not investing in Bitcoin or other coins in RetroDrops. We invest in projects that support the stable and reliable work of crypto.

It's the same situation with the crypto world right now.
In the 2010s, it was a means for something illegal to happen. A way to be anonymous. At least that's the perception most people had because of the propaganda.
In the 2015s, it turned out to be an opportunity to multiply your capital and store money safely
In 2020, crypto has become the best tool for big investors to save and multiply their money. And also the best way to transfer money quickly and use it freely around the world.
Today, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) allows cryptocurrency to trade on par with gold and other stocks. Because progress is inevitable. And in only a few years it will be obvious to everyone what advantages cryptocurrency has brought with it
We missed 2013 when you could buy bitcoin for $30 and sell it for $45,000 (price as of January 12, 2024)
But that doesn't mean the opportunities are gone.

There are many areas within the large cryptocurrency market where you could make a fortune. These opportunities come along every 1-4 years and now is the time.
We will talk about these opportunities next.

Why am I so fiery about this article?
Because I'm wildly pissed off by all of the lies and deception circulating crypto and money on the internet. Thousands of fake investors rent expensive cars and tell you that they have a super way that will make you a millionaire.

Right now, the world is in an unstable situation. Any given week, there could be a crisis, a pandemic, new wars. Which will ultimately lead to low wages and unemployment. The people who are organizing all of this don't care. Those who will suffer will be the average population of the earth, those who provide food delivery to stores, hot water, electricity and all of the benefits of civilization.

Against this background, it is very easy to play on people's emotions and sell them hollow products.

People, hoping to change their lives for the better, to settle debts and loans, to gain financial freedom, buy courses. Either they are unable to earn anything, because the information provided is not enough, or they simply lose money.

This is especially reflected in cryptocurrencies.
In 2020 and 2021, when Bitcoin was breaking records, there were a large number of "gurus" who promised to make everyone a millionaire. It doesn't take a genius to make money in a market that is rising. But what do you do when things start to get rocky? They don't tell you about that.

I see it as my mission to create a university that will educate people in financial instruments in a qualitative way

I share and give tools that I use myself, that I am confident in and that I can teach others to use.
  • But Thomas, don't you also promise us a mountain of gold?
Not at all. Now I will explain the difference.

I propose to explore a tool that has not yet gained much popularity and hype. Take advantage of the opportunity before it is being talked about on every street corner. I am purposely writing a big article to tell everything in as much detail as possible, provide evidence and show how it works.

I've been testing RetroDrops since the beginning of 2023 and only after I got the results I wanted, I started talking about it. All of the numbers I'm talking about are confirmed by my personal results and calculations.

I'm not promising that:
  • you will become millionaires (although if your capital exceeds 100 thousand dollars, it is easy)
  • you can make money without investment
  • you don't have to do anything and the money will earn itself

RetroDrops are suitable for those who have capital upwards of $1000 and are willing to devote 1-2 hours per day for 6-12 months.

Dear Friend,
Thank you for getting to this point and staying Open Minded.
Only 4-6% of people read this page to the end. The rest need a magic pill and empty promises. But that's not you. You're different. So we can do it!

In the next part of this article, I'll explain:
  • How RetroDrops work
  • What did 10-30X in the past and how to make money from trends
  • Why projects give away $1000-$3000 to everyone
  • I will tell you how I earned $758k

Read part two!