RetroDrops Part 4

How to make big money on RetroDrops and automate the process so you don't have to do anything with your hands?
  • How we have automated RetroDrops and spend maximum 1-2 hours per day
  • How you can earn 300 times from one project and allocate your budget
  • How we will earn 3-5 million dollars in 2024

So, we got to the most profitable and interesting part of this article - how to earn big money and increase your capital 10-30 times.

Earlier I gave you my statistics on 5 RetroDrops that generated 758k dollars:
And along with that, it showed the rewards that projects allocated per user
My income on any of the projects does not agree with how much the projects paid out.

In the last part I showed on the example of the current RetroDrops in the LayerZero project what we need to do to get rewards. We create a wallet - perform coin exchange activities - pay commissions - get rewards.

In this situation, we only use 1 wallet from which we perform activities. What if we make 5 wallets? 10? 50? 100?

That's right!
We create a large number of wallets with which we go to perform activities in each project. In 2023, we had about 1,160 wallets. An average of 230 wallets per project. That is, from each project we earned 230 times instead of one.

Now, a little math.
We invested a total of $70,000 and created 1160 wallets. It turns out that on average we invested $60 per wallet in the project. And that was enough to get rewards (this is an average statistic).
Then why do I say that RetroDrops should be entered with a budget of $1000?
To be honest, you can make money with $100 in your pocket. But are you interested in performing activities for 6-12 months, spending 1-2 hours per day to earn 3 thousand dollars in the end?
But with 1000$ you can make 30.000$. That's enough to pay off your car loan, or partially pay for your children's education. Or go on a big trip with your family.

Why have we created so many accounts (wallets)?
The point is that every project has an optimal amount of investment. If we invest 100.000$ from one wallet, we might receive 3X. But if we scatter small amounts of money among multiple wallets, the result will be many times better.

The logical question is: how to manage all this?
You can manage 2-3-5 wallets with your own hands. But if you create 20 wallets, it will take too much time, we will get tired of the routine and lose interest quickly. With a small amount of capital, these efforts will definitely not be worth the reward.
For this purpose, my team and I created automatic RetroDrops "farms".

We wrote our own software that:
  • Creates new wallets itself in a couple of seconds, in any volume
  • Performs activities in projects itself: exchanges coins, etc.
  • Limits the amount of money spent and the number of activities
  • Sends a report about each activity

This is called "multi-accounting", that is, we create many accounts. But here's what the problem could be: projects need real people, not robots.
So we refined the software to mimic the actions of a real person. Activities are performed at different times of the day, for different amounts and each wallet has its own IP. That is, to the project, our wallets look as if they were hundreds of people from different countries. At the same time, we put a limit on the transaction amount, so that there was no overspending. Sometimes commissions increase due to the load of cryptocurrency networks. We exclude that.

We initially set up all the necessary activities separately for each project, there may be 10-20 parts. And we send our wallets to work automatically.
The only thing that remains is to monitor that all activities are performed, which we see in the reports.

As of today, we have more than 10,000 accounts in our private RetroDrops farm. This is what will bring us a total of 3-5 million in 2024.

To keep the whole ecosystem running, we opened an office in Riga, Latvia, where our employees and company executives sit.
We built a full-fledged IT company.
And now we have successfully launched farms for other people who want to multiply their capital 10-30 times in 2024.
🧠 The logical question is: What should I do?

This article is not written for programmers, but for ordinary people. To help multiply their savings, even if they have never heard of crypto.

And I have a solution, which I will tell you about in the last part of this great article.

How do you start making money from RetroDrops?
Read Part 5!